Kategorien: Transport

Kala Sepid Tarabar International Transport Company

The Reasons Behind the Phenomenal Success of Kala Sepid Tarabar International Transport Company

Nowadays finding a reliable international transport company becomes a serious concern for many customers. They are looking for a transport company which simultaneously presents reliability and proficiency as well as speed and rate guarantee. The name of “Kala Sepid Tarabar International Transport Company” is shining among various freight companies as an international firm which supports all variety of transportation services including land, sea, and air freight as quickly as possible. The large scale of customers from different countries indicates our fame in the field of freight. Bellow, you can read some of the various significant qualities that have helped us to be a prospering transport company from the first day of company’s establishment till today.


Business plan

A business plan helps us as a road map of how we should proceed in coming months and years of our business. This plan guides us and aids us to know what moves we should take each month. It lets us understand if we are on the right track or not. From the first day of establishing our transport company, a detailed plan has defined our future policies, goals, investments, and designs to be prepared for all requirements. Our experts update this plan every month to improve it and resolve any deficiency if appears.


Online profile

Considering the fact that most people search for transportation services online, we established our website (www.kst-transportation.com) which exclusively indicates all aspects of our business. It provides all relevant information about the type of transportation services we offer. It is a planned mix of text and images to give our users an overall picture of our transport company.  The memorable website design of Kala Sepid Tarabar International Transport Company helps our customers to find their required information as fast as possible just by a simple click!


Social channels

As social media has an enormous amount of followers, Kala Sepid Tarabar International Transport Company is present on various famous social channels including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, and LinkedIn. Not only we provide useful and practical information about our transport company on these social channels but also we assess the people’s response to our content. These channels are powerful tools which facilitate our connection with potential customers and create a reliable way that permits us to both explore our thoughts and revert to customers rapidly. If you want to be more aware of our transportation services, simply follow us on mentioned social channels!


A wide range of transportation services

We as a successful international transport company offer a wide portfolio of services to meet all specific requirements. We are supporting ocean freight forwarding and air freight forwarding as well as road and rail services.

Depending on the needs, we shall offer our clients various types of vehicles including trailers, mega trailers, road trains, refrigerated trucks, dump trucks, platform trailers and etc. We offer both groupage cargo (LCL) and full container (FCL) transportation services to and from anywhere in the globe. Even if you prefer your cargo to fly, we can do it for you!


Qualified staff

All employees of Kala Sepid Tarabar International Transport Company including transport/logistic manager, admin/HR manager, front desk officer, accountants, marketers, and drivers are selected through professional examinations. Not only their expertise and knowledge but also their behavior and morality were assessed several times through tests and interviews. We are always hiring engaged and enthusiastic employees at our transport company that are committed to their work and their working place.


Unique logo

The creative and unique logo of Kala Sepid Tarabar International Transport Company helps to attract our customers.  As a company grows, people start having some emotional attachment with its logo. We designed an attractive logo to draw potential customers’ attention which conveys the message of our firm as a transport company.  The green color of our logo is chosen intelligently as green is a symbol of hope, development, improvement, and safety which are the key issues considered by all the employees of our international transport company to be achieved.


A transport company is in contact with customers who have set a deadline. Kala Sepid Tarabar knows how to meet those deadlines and keep costs down at the same time. We are famous as a speedy international transport company which tries hard to go forward according to a precise schedule. Business schedules are the most helpful tools to plan time.


Get Feedback

Every transport company may make mistakes but the key point of success is to learn from mistakes and make improvements. Kala Sepid Tarabar International Transport Company invites suggestions from its clients on social media channels and also on our website. We pay attention to all suggestions and try to resolve any eventual problem as rapidly as possible.


Right rate

A principal issue that has helped our transport company is providing the best price for all our services. We are sensitive to meet all clients’ expectations with reasonable and competitive prices. The satisfactory memory of our rapid and reliable transportation services with the best possible prices attract our customers to follow us and become our long term clients for decades.


Professional Advertisements

Advertisements are the visual and audio message of our transport company. We try to indicate our business intention in the briefest but simultaneously explicit way to all our potential customers through advertising. The creative advertisements, not only gives us a chance to demonstrate our capabilities as an international transport company but also provides clients with required information and details in regard to our transportation services.


Quality customer service

Our clients are king when it comes to customer services. To make sure that our customers receive the best transportation services, we treat all our employees and workers like we want our customers to be treated so we won’t have to worry about customer service.

As an international transport company, we believe that the best way to retain our customers is through the value of the highest quality transportation services and we remember that value is determined more by quality of service than by price alone.


Cargo tracking

The safety and timely arrival of cargo is very paramount so it is important to keep track of where it is and whether its journey is going as planned or no.

Kala Sepid Tarabar International Transport Company benefits from experts who are monitoring cargo while it is moving so we can make sure whether the cargo is where it needs to be or no. And if it is not on time, we can handle the issue and solve any possible problem.



Strong motivational attitude is effective for a successful transport company. We are aware of all internal and external factors and be sure that our operations, as well as our clients’ operations, are growing. We are strong believers that success is 90% hard work and 10% attitude. A good attitude, which comprises resilience and persistence, helps us to remain a reputed international transport company.



About us

Kala Sepid Tarabar shipping and logistic International Company, founded in 1998, has established its activities in the field of international transportation, and use of expert and experienced human resources to satisfy customers. Our strategic situation in the Middle East makes us superior. We have become a long term logistics partner of several multinational companies. Our vision is to be your partner in freight logistics over the Middle East and CIS countries.

Vorstellung der Dienstleistungen und Aktivitäten der Kala Sepid Tarabar International Company:

Organ Chart and Boarders:

Our head office is in Mashhad and we have the office in Bandar Abbas and our agencies in all Iranian ports and borders.

KST International Company has used all its shipping and international transportation facilities to provide the right service for the carriage of goods from different ports of the world to Iran and vice versa. Handling Container services and transportation of super-heavy projects and supplies, Carrying shipment via air and sea. Transportation of transit goods through ports of northern and southern Iran to other countries, especially Central Asian countries.

Because of the close relationship with a large number of international shipping companies in Europe, the Far East and CIS is able to provide the following services at the lowest price and in the shortest possible time and conditions.

Verfügbare Logistikdienstleistungen wie folgt:

  • LKW-Fracht
  • Seefracht
  • Schienengüterverkehr
  • Luftfracht
  • Lagerdienstleistungen
  • Sammelgutsendungen
  • Zollabfertigung
  • Dokumentation
  • Containerfüllung
  • SOC-Kauf
  • Transpirationsberatung
  • Ausgereifter DDP/DDU-Abwicklungsprozess (SEA/AIR)
  • Sammelgutdienst, geschlossene und direkte LKWs aus Europa mit iranischen und ausländischen LKWs.
  • Supplier of Mazafati dates, raisins, Sulfur and etc.

Trucking Transport

‌Road Transportation (transit) is one of the main services of ‌Kala Sepid Tarabar. With more than 20 years of experience in Iran-Overseas, the company provides the best freight transit service. All of our transportation vehicles are covered by CMR Insurance, which we are able to provide without third-party services. We have an office in Bandar Abbas and there is agent in other ports and boarders of Iran. In this case we can provide and transport your shipment via Bandar Abbas to other countries.

Transportation services:

  • Transitgüter von/nach Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Aserbaidschan, Armenien, Usbekistan, Kasachstan, Tadschikistan, Kirgisistan, Georgien, Türkei, Irak und Pakistan.
  • Export- und Importdienstleistungen in/aus dem Iran und Europa.
  • Lieferung von Tür zu Tür
  • Transport mit Standard-LKWs, Planen-LKWs, Flach-LKWs, Umschlag von übergroßen und übergewichtigen Sendungen bis zu 40 Mio. t. Außerdem Einsatz von Tiefbett-LKWs mit 5, 7 und 11 Achsen.
  • Refer trucks: for foodstuff and some shipment that may be rotten must be load by reefer trucks. There are many reefer cargo for countries such as; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Armenia and Azerbaijan via Iran and as you know there is not reefer wagon from Iran to CIS it’s my pleasure to be at your service for moving your shipments to mentioned destination.
  • Car carriers: it’s for moving cars and each of them can load 6 cars. Mode of transport is great importance.
  • Verkehrsdienste: durch Boogie arrangiert werden. Der Boogie ist ein Anhänger oder Fahrgestell, das dem unteren Fahrgestell ähnelt, jedoch über eine viel größere Anzahl an Rädern und mehrere Achsen verfügt, die proportional zur Last sind und schwere Lasten tragen können. Für den Transport großer Teile, wie z.B. Brücken, Ölraffinerien sowie andere Motoren und schwere Gegenstände, die für LKWs zu schwer sind.


‌Sea Transport

Maritime transportation has most share in movement of cargo that is 90% from total in this field. This amount is approximately about 6 billion tons of goods, which is about one-third is oil products and one third is dry and bulk commodities, while the rest are non-bulk cargos.

KST is one of the pioneers of the international transportation and transit services of the goods transport service provider (TranShip). This Company will be using the experienced personnel of your product by sea in the shortest possible time and at a low co.


 Advantages of using our shipping service are as follows:

  • Maritime shipping is cheaper than the rest of the way, and as a result, owners of goods and business companies prefer to carry their goods with high seas, the largest volume of trade and transportation is available through sea.
  • Secure service at competitive rates, the reliability and safety of transportation through high-water is high because those who carry the goods are obliged to comply with international standards and laws, and the buyer and seller must comply with incoterms. This method is almost safe and Goods and crew are not damaged.
  • The high standard in the global service, transport of huge-volume goods, in high seas, relatively heavy loads up to 200 to 500 thousand tons can easily be moved from one port to another.
  • Specific and steady transit time that includes all situations in the shipping chain
  • Extreme performance / price ratio another advantage of this method is the fixed freight rate, since the rates are set by large shipping companies and is almost the same rate that everyone is required to comply with.
  • Very high degree of flexibility


Our services also have the following requirements:

  • Abholung und Transport mit LKW
  • Transport
  • Nachverfolgung und Pflege
  • Versicherung
  • Zollabfertigung
  • Lieferung an Ihren Standort
  • Transport gefährlicher Güter
  • LCL / FCL exportieren / importieren
  • Zusammenstellung von Ausstellungsunterlagen
  • Versicherungs- und Dokumentenprüfung
  • Zollabfertigung bei Export und Import
  • Versand in mehrere Staaten

‌ Rail Transport

Rail Transport Due to the state of the roads, Barriers to accelerating transit of air and the conditions of the sea and land of Iran, Compared to other transportation methods, it has a great advantage to carry high-speed goods at the suitable speed. Rail transport can also be a good complement to shipping imported goods by shipping to destinations, especially in northern and southern ports of Iran. So, in combined transport, you can take into the economic cost and the availability of railway lines and replaced rail shipping with road freight consist of large trucks. As Iran is a best gateway to Russia and CIS countries so it’s very economical and safe that transport via rail to mentioned destination. The route via Iran is from Bandar Abbas to Sarakhs and from Sarakhs to all rail station of Russia & CIS countries.

Wenn die Transitzeit also nicht Ihre erste Sorge ist, ist beim Schienengüterverkehr die Anpassungsfähigkeit durch risikoärmere Lieferung und wettbewerbsfähige Tarife gefragt.

KST groups, which provides international transportation services, is ready to Rail Transport Announces by covered & flat Wagons, loading / offloading and obtaining rail code by concluding contracts, having permits from Islamic Republic of Iran Rail Ways & CIS Rail Ways.


Air Transport

The Best way for time sensitive and small cargo is air freight. We can arrange all of the processes from clearance and delivery of goods to the consignee also can be done export customs formalities via international airport in Iran, we will pick up cargo from shipper at the origin and then arrange the customs formalities and moving by air to the destination. We have an agent for doing any services at Imam Khomeini airport, Iran’s most active international airport.

Unsere Leistungen per Luftfracht:

  • Import, Export und Clearing
  • LKW-Fracht vom/zum Flughafen
  • Vermittlung von Chartern
  • DDU- und DDP-Dienste


Port services and Warehousing

Besides all of the modal transportation, container services and loading/offloading in the south and north Iranian ports, we arranged the warehousing break bulk commodities such as; minerals, fertilizers, agricultural, pharmaceuticals and sulfur too.


Multimodal Services

This mode of transportation is used for cargos when the geographical position is considered. Shipping of cargo is arranged with a transportation company from origin to destination place by different types of transportation toward a contract. We are professional in this mode and can arrange the best situation for you. If you have any shipment to Russia we will arrange your cargo from Bandar Abbas to Anzali port via truck and there be loaded to vessel up to any port in Russia or another route such as Aktau.  Please note it’s not limited to Caspian ports, our services is widespread and perfect from Bandar Abbas to every place around the world especially CIS countries.


Custom Clearance

Als Zollabfertigungsmakler organisieren wir hier den gesamten Prozess, der die Vorbereitung, Registrierung von Dokumenten für den Import oder Export von Waren in physischer oder elektronischer Form, die Berechnung von Geldern wie z. Handelsgewinne, Zölle, Steuern, Zölle und Erleichterungen, die der Staat für Importeure und Exporteure von Waren usw. bereitstellt.


Documents for customs clearance:

  • Erklärung
  • Kommerzielle ID
  • Lagerbeleg
  • Frachtbrief
  • Ursprungszeugnis
  • Rechnung
  • Ankündigung Performa
  • Performa-Rechnung
  • Reihenfolge der Registrierung
  • Packliste
  • Versicherungspolice
  • Produktionsgenehmigung (falls vorhanden)
  • Katalog / Broschüre (falls vorhanden)
  • The Logical Permission For Releasing Goods From Customs Such As Certificate, Permission Of Health Ministry, Standard Organization, Nuclear Energy, Quarantine…(In Case Of)
  • Vollmachtsschreiben, Karte des Zollagenten (falls vorhanden)

Besides shipping, we are the supplier of some products as below

  • Termine

We are the supplier of Mazafati dates also arrange to export transport our self in Iran so pls advise me any cooper.

  • Raisins

Raisin varieties depend on the type of grape used and are made in a variety of sizes and colours including green, black, brown, blue, purple, and yellow. “Golden raisins” are generally dried in dehydrators with controlled temperature and humidity, which allows them to retain a lighter colour and more moisture. They are often treated with dioxide after drying.

Iran is the third largest exporter of raisin in the world. Because of the principally its price, minerals and different methods of price, Iranian Raisins minerals are the finest raisins in the world.

Different types of raisins in Iran:

  • Golden Raisins (Angori)
  • Sultana Raisins (light / dark)
  • Malayer Raisins
  • Golden Kashmary Raisins
  • Green Raisins
  • Sun-Dried Raisins


  • Basmati rice

We can arrange and supply Basmati rice with the best offer and quality. Also, arrange all of the processes of transporting and custom by our company in Iran.

  • Schwefel

we are a big and strong supplier of minerals, fertilizers, agricultural, pharmaceuticals and Mazafati Dates.W e are one of the most prolific Sulphur traders globally & selling Sulphur from Iran and Turkmenistan. We mainly trade in Formed Sulphur (Granular/ Prilled), Crushed Lumps & Powder Sulphur. Our customers from India, China, South East Asia, Jordan, Africa have been with us for more than a decade. For sourcing, we have effectively built strategic partnerships with manufacturers in the Middle East. We arrange your request with the best offer and quality.

Project Shipment

Choosing a suitable way of carriage and route, also the workable qualities are important and necessary for the best services. We are here as your consultant for transporting in a different way by rail, road, sea, air and multimodal services. Hereunder you can see our brief of our project.

  • Der Auftragnehmer für die Lieferung und den Transport von Eisenerzen der Mobarakeh Isfahan Steel Company, der Isfahan Iron Foundry Company und der Khuzestan Cement Co.
  • Transport von mehr als 2.000.000 Tonnen Eisenerz pro Jahr im Rahmen der Liefer- und Transportverträge.
  • Einkauf, Lagerung im Kühllager, Sortieren und Verpacken von Mazafati- und Kebkab-Datteln mit einer Menge von 2.800 Tonnen für den Export nach Russland, Irak und in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate
  • Transporting more than 10,000 metric tons of imported red meat and chicken meat per year by the company’s refrigerating Lorries to Afghanistan.
  • Import und Transport von mehr als 1000 Tonnen Holz aus Russland und deren Weiterleitung in den Irak.
  • Export von Massengerste mit einer Kapazität von 35.000 Tonnen in den Irak.
  • Transport der Produkte der Autohersteller Iran Khodro und Saipa in regionale Länder.
  • Import von Rohstoffen für die von Iran Khodro und Saipa Auto Manufacturing Companies zugelassenen Teilehersteller



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