Categories: livestock

livestock Viscera

Offal, also called animal viscera is the viscera of a livestock. This word does not refer to a particular list of edible organs, which varies by culture and region, but includes most internal organs.
Some cultures strongly consider offal as food to be taboo, while others use it as everyday food, or in delicacies. On the other hand, intestines are traditionally used as casing for sausages.Exports of meat and edible viscera(offal) in recent years have increased. Most of these exports are devoted to edible viscera and the share of meat export is negligible

Intestine or sheep casing

After saffron and caviar, the intestine is the third most valuable non-oil currency in Iran.

Intestinal applications

From ancient times the warriors used archery in their warfare, which was used to make bowstring. The bowstring was prepared from compacting the intestine of sheep and goats. In addition to the bowstring, they used the string to make the Hallaji bow, the string of sitar, the whip of the cattle, and so on.

 In addition to sheep’s intestines, lamb’s intestines, which are thinner, and finer than sheep’s intestines, are used in the manufacture of surgical sutures, tennis racket strings, strings of sitar and violins, and in some industrial machines.

Seventy years ago, immigrants from the former Soviet Union who specialized in intestinal construction came to Iran and used sheep and goat intestines to export it abroad to cover sausages.

The intestines were made by hand with the help of bamboo wood, which has a special glaze, and by removing an inner skin and an outer skin, it prepared the intestines to be filled with meat.

Sheep and goat intestines were exported to the former Soviet Union and then to the United States and West Germany in their original form. In these countries, the intestine, 12 to 30 mm in diameter, is first calibrated manually and then calibrated with a device similar to a mechanical caliper and filled with water. then The calibers were separated and ready to be filled with meat fillers. Laters, because labor costs were high in the West, a man named Open Heimer traveled from the United States to Turkey and Iran to teach Iranian workers how to calibrate sheep and goat intestines, until the intestines were calibrated according to international standards. The material of Iran’s intestine and quality of its work made them very prosperous and foreign buyers preferred to buy Iranian intestine.

process of Intestine

The intestine is processed in 9 stages. The initial weight of the sheep’s intestine is about 2 kg, which reaches 100 g after the process, regiment and processing.

The type of intestines is different in quality, the intestines of cold regions are firmer, and the intestines of sheep have higher quality.

Every 91 centimeters of intestine is called a yard, which is the basis for monetary and export calculation.

90% of Iranian intestines are exported to European countries, especially Germany. Their prices also vary based on calibers and grades 1 and 2. The intestines of Iran are very famous in the world because the work is done manually by experts with high delicacy and precision.

Heat is one of the most important factors that cause intestinal spoilage and its non-consumption. Bees are another important cause of intestinal damage. If the bee stings the intestine, it will puncture and the it can no longer be used.
It may be thought that the intestine is a waste product, but it has fans around the world and is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world.
The revenue from intestine exports is estimated around $ 100 million a year, most of which is exported to Germany. Of course, Germany is a central country where intestines are exported to other European countries and sometimes to Latin America. Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, France and Poland are the main importers of intestines from Iran.
100% of intestine exports and the production of this product is one of the most job creation platform , which to preventing environmental degradation, is the booklet of the five most importer currency to the country.

It should be noted that in addition to the intestine, 15 livestock product including cow tripe, sheep tripe, Reticulum (first part of the stomach), omasum, beef pizzle, sheep pizzle, aortic, tendon, hamstring, spinal cord,lamb Testicle, esophagus and throat are processed and exported in Iran.

cow tripe / sheep tripe /honey comb

cow tripe or sheep tripe is an edible muscle tissue from the stomach of a cow or sheep, which must be carefully cleaned, boiled and soften in salt water for 2 to 3 hours for edible consumption.

This product is consumed as a food in many parts of the world and is cooked in different ways. It also has many therapeutic properties, including the treatment of anemia, stomach ulcers and depression.

This product is packaged frozen after complete washing. Excess exports of tripe and abomasum to countries such as Hong Kong, Pakistan, India and Vietnam not only did not cause a shortage of this product in the country, but also created a good currency for the country.

lamb  Testicle

lamb Testicle is a white glandular full of fat and in some countries is eaten as a food and also has some medicine usage.
Shiite authorities forbidden eating testicle. this product will be frozen and packaged after deeply washing and cleaning.

One thousand tons of processed products are exported to Southeast Asian countries annually. The export unit of non-edible contaminants produces 130,000 tons of livestock product and exports all them.

These livestock product, most of which are unusable in Iran, are processed and their monthly exports are worth up to $ 200,000 for Iran.

Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Pakistan and Thailand are the destinations of these export shipments, and the products are used in those countries as food or raw materials for cosmetics.

These livestock product are exported after freezing, cleaning, salt, washing, cooking, drying, degreasing and packaging with the approval of the country’s veterinary organization.
“kala Sepid Tarabar” as an international trading & transportation company in Iran focuses on the agricultural and foodstuff export. Our experiences and resume reflect our quality of work and honesty.

We also are exporters of animal viscera with all certifications and documents. we have supplied and exported these products from the most equipped slaughterhouse and factory of Iran in vacuum carton packaging.

It is noteworthy that our company “Kala Sepid Tarabar” as International transportation & Trading Company has experienced and professional staff members in all matters related to any shipment (road – rail – sea – air and multi modal freight), so has always been able to serve the interests of its customers to purchase and export cargoes to all over the world as fast as possible as a strong advisor by choosing the best route and method of transport and positioning The global marketplace.

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