Tomato Supplier

Tomato (scientific name: Solanum lycopersicum) is one of the vegetables with red, fragrant and juicy fruits. This plant is native to South and Central America and was transferred to other parts of the world during the Spanish colonial period.

Different types of this plant are grown all over the world today. Of course, “tomatoes” are considered vegetables in terms of horticulture and lack of kernels.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene. Today, this fruit is consumed in various ways, raw or as one of the ingredients for preparing food, sauces and beverages, and is an important part of the diet of people in many countries. In general, the cultivation of this plant covers an area of ​​about three million hectares, which is about one-third of the total area dedicated to overgrown cultivation in the world.

Despite botanically being a fruit, it’s generally eaten and prepared like a vegetable.

Nutrition Facts

The water content of tomatoes is around 95%. The other 5% consists mainly of carbohydrates and fiber.

Here are the nutrients in a small (100-gram) raw tomato:

  • Calories: 18
  • Water: 95%
  • Protein: 0.9 grams
  • Carbs: 3.9 grams
  • Sugar: 2.6 grams
  • Fiber: 1.2 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams

Fresh tomatoes are low in carbs. The carb content consists mainly of simple sugars and insoluble fibers. These fruits are mostly made up of water.

Vitamins and minerals

Tomatoes are a good source of several vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin C. This vitamin is an essential nutrient and antioxidant. One medium-sized tomato can provide about 28% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI).
  • Potassium. An essential mineral, potassium is beneficial for blood pressure control and heart disease prevention.
  • Vitamin K1. Also known as phylloquinone, vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone health.
  • Folate (vitamin B9). One of the B vitamins, folate is important for normal tissue growth and cell function.It’s particularly important for pregnant women.
  • Lycopene. A red pigment and antioxidant, lycopene has been extensively studied for its beneficial health effects . It’s found in the highest concentrations in the skin. Generally, the redder the tomato, the more lycopene it has.

Other foods in your diet may have a strong effect on lycopene absorption. Consuming this plant compound with a source of fat can increase absorption by up to four times.

  • Beta carotene. An antioxidant that often gives foods a yellow or orange hue, beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in your body.
  • Naringenin. Found in tomato skin, this flavonoid has been shown to decrease inflammation and protect against various diseases in mice.
  • Chlorogenic acid. A powerful antioxidant compound, chlorogenic acid may lower blood pressure in people with elevated levels.

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Consumption of tomatoes and tomato-based products has been linked to improved skin health and a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.

Heart health

Heart disease — including heart attacks and strokes — is the world’s most common cause of death.

A study in middle-aged men linked low blood levels of lycopene and beta-carotene to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Increasing evidence from clinical trials suggests that supplementing with lycopene may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Clinical studies of tomato products indicate benefits against inflammation and markers of oxidative stress. They also show a protective effect on the inner layer of blood vessels and may decrease your risk of blood clotting.

Cancer prevention

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that spread beyond their normal boundaries, often invading other parts of the body.

Observational studies have noted links between tomatoes — and tomato products — and fewer incidences of prostate, lung, and stomach cancers .

A study in women shows that high concentrations of carotenoids — found in high amounts in tomatoes — may protect against breast cancer.

Skin health

Tomatoes are considered beneficial for skin health. Tomato-based foods rich in lycopene and other plant compounds may protect against sunburn.

According to one study, people who ingested 1.3 ounces (40 grams) of tomato paste — providing 16 mg of lycopene — with olive oil every day for 10 weeks experienced 40% fewer sunburns.

Tomato Varieties

Numerous cultivars are cultivated in different regions, some of which are discussed below.

1- Urebana

It is a pre-ripe and productive variety, its fruit is medium, fleshy and tough. This cultivar is suitable for cultivation in hot and temperate regions. This cultivar can be very good in the southern regions of the country.

2. Red Cloud

It is a semi-vigorous, high-yielding variety, its fruit is in Rasht, folded, fleshy, tough and large in color, which can be transported well to remote areas. This cultivar is specific to tropical areas.

3. Red Top

The fruit is low in water, fleshy and clustered. The fruits ripen almost simultaneously and the fruiting period is long.

4- Rotjers

It is a large, vigorous, high-yielding variety, with large, spherical fruits and thick, portable skin.

5-Western Red

It is a suitable cultivar for temperate regions and due to its sour taste and large fruit, it is suitable for pasteurization. It is relatively late and at the same time resistant to autumn cold.

6- Rio Grande S

This is a relatively late cultivar that can be harvested about 80 days after planting. It has a very strong plant and a very good cover ability. The fruit is oval, firm and weighs about 100 grams. Due to the relatively high brix grade, it can be used for industrial purposes.

 7- Delba F1

Very useful hybrid tomato, suitable for outdoor cultivation, can be used for fresh and industrial uses. Its plant is relatively strong and protects fruits from sunburn. It is heat resistant and has less germination. Its shape is spherical and its texture are firm and resistant to cracking and it is less damaged in transportation and damage. The average weight of the fruit is 150 g and during the ripening stage, the color of the fruit is the same color as the red-colored hand.

8- Tivi F1

Tomato hybrids are suitable for growing in the open air for fresh eating. The plant is relatively strong and resistant to viral mosaic tomato disease. It has the ability to form fruit at high temperatures. The average weight of the fruit is 180 grams. The color of the fruit is completely red and it is usually separated from the fruit by the leaves and has a good and appropriate marketability.

9 – Has2274

It is moderately clay and can be harvested for approximately 80-75 days after transplanting seedlings to the mainland. Its plant is very strong with very good coverage. Its production and performance is high. The shape of the fruit is a bit wide and its average weight is 170 grams. The color of the fruit is suitable and the market is desirable. At harvest time, the cascade is usually separated from the plant. Resistant to viral mosaic tomato disease and Verticillium fungal disease.

10 – E.Invictus

It is premature and lasts for 65-75 days after planting. The plant is relatively small. The shape of the fruit is almost round and its average weight is 120 grams. The texture of the fruit is firm and has high transportability and maintenance. The color of ripe fruit is completely red and suitable for industrial and fresh consumption.

11. Rio Grande Y

This figure is from late digits. It can be harvested for 80 days after transplanting. The plant is very strong with very good cover ability and has high yield and fruit production. In terms of shape, the fruit is oval and slightly spherical. The fruit is relatively large and weighs about 110 grams. The texture of the fruit is very firm and colorful.

12 – Namarin

It has high hybrid and fresh eating potential with high storage and storage capacity. The fruit of this variety is spherical. There are 5 tomatoes weighing approximately 200 grams in each corner. The important point that distinguishes this variety from other cultivars is that it tolerates up to 20 clusters of approximately 1 kg per kilogram on a regular basis.

13- Nora

It is a hybrid cultivar and is suitable for fresh consumption. This cultivar has a high storage capacity. This variety is relatively early, its fruits are large, weighing approximately (240-200) grams. It is spherical in shape. The texture of the fruit is sweet and creamy.


Hybrid tomatoes are an unlimited and suitable vegetation for growing in greenhouse space. The fruit is almost gelatinous with uniform clusters in shape and size that requires less pruning and is easier to harvest. The red-fruited fruit weighs 10-15 grams. It is also resistant to diseases.


This cultivar is hybridized. Its plant form is remodeled and its leaves are medium. It has uniform corners. The fruits are large and round in shape. The average weight of fruits is 150-100 grams. The texture of the fruit is firm and the yield of the fruit is high. It is easy to separate the fruit from the knot and it is easy to remove.

16 – Peto Pride

It is a cultivar with very good growth status, bright leaf color, but is sensitive to temperature stresses. The fruit is spindle-shaped, slightly soft and moderately clay.


It is an early and suitable cultivar for cultivation in greenhouse space. Its spherical shape, color, color and weight are 100-80 grams. This cultivar is one of the most resistant cultivars in the rainforest. It is a short crop and uniform flowering. It is a uniform product with a long shelf life.

18. Titao F1

This hybrid variety is relatively cold-resistant and very productive. Its plant is strong and very limited. It has good resistance to storage conditions. The fruit is round, large and has a good shape. It is resistant to fungal diseases and bacterial plasma diseases.

19 – Super Strain B

The fruit has a round shape. The texture of the fruit is firm and suitable for storage. Fruit weight varies from 120-85 grams. This cultivar is resistant to fungal diseases.

20 – Calj N3

This figure is limited. Its fruit is ovoid and has a relatively thick skin. The texture of the fruit is firm and has the ability to be storage and transported to distant places. This figure has been widely used in farms in the south of the country in recent years.

21- Lesto F1

The plant of this cultivar is medium but has a high production rate. The hard texture of the fruit is 115-110 grams. Resistant to fungal diseases.


The production of tomato is growing dramatically in the world as like its consumption. According to the data provided by FAOSTAT world has produced 182,301,395 tones tomatoes in 2017. To achieve this production, almost 5 million hectares were used. 

There are several tomato cultivation sites in Iran. In 2017, Iran produced 6,177,290 tons tomatoes that has 6th place among world production of tomato. Tomatoes are mostly consumed in different ways in Iran and other countries tomato pastes which are directly used for cooking and stored in cans. There are almost 80 tomato processing factories in Iran. Almost 12 of them are very well equipped with high performance and the latest technologies.

According to the latest report around 6 M tons tomato are produced in one year and just around 0.6% of all exported and has 17th place among world exporter of tomato.

more than 10 countries are buying Iranian tomatoes. Russia is the first among them –more than 70 percent of Iran tomato exports-then Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Oman, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, etc.   

kala sepid tarabar‘ as an international trading & transportation company in Iran focus on the agricultural and fresh fruits export. Our experiences and resume reflects our quality of work and honesty.

we have supplied and exported tomates from high graden of Iran in variety sizes in customer’s desired packaging.

The following videos relate to sorting 3 containers of superfine tomatoes for exporting to Russia in May,2020. So far we have also exported the same cargo to Azerbaijan fast and safe in April.

It is noteworthy that our company “kala Sepid Tarabar” as an international transportation & trading company has experienced and professional staff members in all matters related to any shipment (road – rail – sea-air and multi modal freight), so has always been able to serve the interests of its customers to purchase and export cargoes to all over the world as fast as possible as a strong advisor by choosing the best route and method of transport and positioning The global marketplace